Testicular biopsy was a surgery which was done to remove a piece of tissue from testicles. Then the tissue was examined under the microscope. A testicular biopsy can be used to:

  • Diagnose the exact location and the condition of a lump in the testes

  • Diagnose and know which may causes of male infertility

  • Obtains sperm for in vitro fertilization

There are 2 different methods for a testicular biopsy, open biopsy and percutaneous biopsy. There will be a sting when the anesthesia was performed. Patient will only feel some pressure or discomfort same as a pinprick during the biopsy.


If you are having an open biopsy, the following procedure steps are typical:

  • Your doctor will make a small cut or incision through the skin.

  • A small, pea-sized amount of testicular tissue was removed.

  • When the biopsy was taken, you may feel pressure or minor discomfort.

  • Generally, one absorbable stitch closes the incision or cut in the testicle. Another stitch will close your skin. Stitch removal was not essential.

  • The same technique was done on the second testicle.


The procedure for a percutaneous biopsy will be based on the type of needle which was used — a core needle or a fine needle.

  • In both the cases, a needle was inserted through the skin of testicle.

  • If you were having a core needle biopsy, you will hear a popping sound or loud clicking sound when the tissue sample was being extracted.

  • But when if you are having a fine needle biopsy, the tissue sample was drawn out with a syringe.

  • The same procedure was done on the second testicle.

There was a slight risk of infection or bleeding. The area can be sore for 2 to 3 days after the biopsy was done. The scrotum will be swell or become discolored. This will be clear up or resolve within a few days.