This surgery may involve the removing of the testicle & spermatic cord where it exits in the body to identify, & likely treat the majority of the cancers which are localized to the testis. The method was usually done by urologist, typically if the testicular cancer was been suspected. Testicular cancer generally spreads into the lymph nodes and inside the abdomen in a expected manner. Complications and risks of this procedure may include infection and bleeding. Other symptoms which also includes like intermittent & chronic back pain & sudden loss of the mobility in the lower back.


  • A 4–6 cm incision or cut was done over the pubic bone on the side which was related to the testicle which is to be removed.

  • This incision or cut runs diagonally midway in between the pubic tubercle & the anterior superior iliac spine. The incision was extended down by the fat till the external fascia was encountered.

  • It is incised along with its fibres & the spermatic cord was identified & isolated. From there, the testicle was pulled into the field by the inguinal canal. The spermatic cord was clamped off in 2 places & cut in between the clamps.

  • Long permanent sutures, generally polypropylene or silk, were left on stump of the spermatic cord as the marker in case when it should be removed in future during a retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (RPLND).


  • The peritoneum should be cut or incised around the internal ring & continued superiorly lateral to the vessels & medial to the vas deferens. A triangle of peritoneum needs to be left in between vas & vessels distally.

  • The vessels were carefully mobilized, & optical magnification with laparoscopic approach was quite needful in this regard.

  • The testis must be brought down after a subdartos pouch was made by passing the 12-mm radially dilating trocar into the peritoneum just lateral towards the lateral umbilical ligament.

  • Afterward, additional dissection of the vessels was required in some cases. Doctors should be sure that the cord was torsion-free as the testis was brought down. Standard scrotal fixation needs be done. The 2-mm ports won’t require closure, even though the 5-mm umbilical port needs to be closed to prevent the omental herniation.