Retroperitoneal lyphadenectomy (RPLND) was a procedure which is used to remove abdominal lymph nodes to treat testicular cancer, and also helps to establish its exact stage & type. Testicular cancer generally spreads by a very predictable route by the lymph nodes upwards to the lungs, & then outward to the liver, brain, & elsewhere so RPLND was the most effective method to treat.
OPEN RPLND: Open RPLND (O-RPLND), which was done by opening the abdomen to get inside, but was an equally effective procedure to remove the lymph nodes.
Retroperitoneal lymph node dissection may require general anesthesia. While surgery time will vary greatly in between the individuals, the average operating time was about 6 hours.
Surgeon will make an extensive cut or incision in the midline on the abdomen & push your bowels aside. Then, the lymph nodes situated within the retroperitoneum on a side of the testicular cancer that will drain the testicle were removed.
Additionally, the remainder of the blood supply to affected testicle & spermatic cord were removed. (this can sometimes may cause retrograde ejaculation) rarely, the lymph nodes on the both sides of the retroperitoneum were removed.
Usually the surgery will take 3-5 hours. The surgery was done by 3 – 4 small (1 cm) incisions or cuts which are created in the midline of the abdomen.
Lymph nodes were removed on the sides of the testicular cancer. By using a small telescope & other instrumentation, the lymph tissue which drains the testicle were removed.
The number of lymph nodes to be removed may differ among the individuals & may range from less than I0 to over 50 Lymph nodes which are the part of immune system, which will helps in fighting off the infection.
The relative number of lymph nodes was removed during RPLND was not enough to affect your immune system or body’s ability to fight from infection. Along with removal of the lymph nodes the remainder of the blood supply to affected testicle & spermatic cord was also removed.