When the muscles and ligaments supports a woman’s pelvic organs weaken, then the pelvic organs may slip out from the place & create a bulge in vagina (prolapse). Women most commonly build up pelvic organ prolapse years after the childbirth, after the hysterectomy or after the menopause. This bulge will become worsen over time.
Many women who are having pelvic organ prolapse won’t have any symptoms, the major common and bothersome symptom was pressing of the organs against the vaginal wall or uterus. The pressure will be buildup on your vagina and may cause minor problems or discomfort in how your pelvic organs work. Symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse may include:
Feeling of pelvic pressure.
Painful intercourse.
Spotting or bleeding from vagina. A feeling will develop as if something was actually falling out from the vagina.
Problems related with bowel movements, like constipation or needing to support the back (posterior) of vaginal wall for a bowel movement.
A pulling or stretching in the low backache or groin area.
Urinary problems, like involuntary release of urine (incontinence) or a frequent or urgent urination, particularly at the night time.
Common causes may includes:
Pregnancy, labor, and childbirth (the most common causes)
Pelvic organ cancers
Surgical removal of the uterus (hysterectomy)
Respiratory problems along with a chronic, long-term cough
Genetics will also play a main role in pelvic organ prolapse. Connective tissues can be weaker in some women in such cases risk will be more.
Diagnosis of pelvic organ prolapse starts with the history and a physical exam of the pelvic organs. Tests for pelvic organ prolapse may include such as: bladder function tests, ultrasound, pelvic floor strength tests and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).