Bladder augmentation is a surgical modification of the urinary bladder. Removing strips of tissue from intestinal tract and adding up this to the tissue of the bladder may involve in this procedure. This has two projected results:

  • Increased bladder volume

  • Reduced percentage of the bladder involves the contraction that results in lower internal pressures on the bladder during urination.

Before the surgery some tests should be done like blood and urine tests, x-rays, ultrasounds, and bladder pressure studies will be performed. Before operation, doctor may recommends like: Cleanse bowel—need to drink a special liquid that causes loose stool, Eat a low-fiber diet, take antibiotics. The liquid may also be given from a tube placed in the nose down to the stomach.


  • Prior to the surgery general anesthesia is given, it will obstruct the pain and keeps patient asleep throughout the surgery.

  • The doctor will make a small incision on the abdomen. On more incision will also made on the upper part of the bladder. A small part of the intestine or stomach are removed and located over the opening in the bladder. This new part which is removed will work like a patch. The doctor will sew it in that place.

  • The doctor may also make a stoma. This is a minute opening through the abdominal wall to an opening at top of the bladder. This makes easy for patients to insert the catheter into the bladder.

  • A catheter will be left in that place to drain urine from the bladder.

  • Intravenously antibiotics, fluids, pain medications. A tube will be placed from your nose to your stomach. This tube will keep your stomach which drains any contents to outside. It will stay in the same place until your stomach and intestines begin to work in normal condition.

  • The total time of operation will takes about 4-6 hours time.