A bladder diverticulum is a pouch in the bladder wall, where by mucosa herniates from the bladder wall. They may be solitary or multiple in nature and can vary in different sizes. A person may effects either be born (congenital) with or get later (acquired). Congenital diverticula are generally diagnosed in childhood or on prenatal ultrasound. Acquired bladder diverticula are often due to bladder outlet barrier from an enlarged prostate, urethral stricture (scar tissue in the tube which we urinate out), or neurologic disease. Acquired diverticula are most typically seen in elderly men and often related with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
Mostly bladder diverticula is asymptomatic. They are found while find out for the causes of other urinary problems.
Some problems related to bladder diverticula can be caused by: urinary tract infections, bladder tumors bladder stones, urine flowing backwards into the kidneys (“reflux”), trouble peeing
There are several causes of Urinary bladder diverticulae are bladder neck stenosis, prostatic enlargement (hypertrophy; carcinoma), urethral stricture, neurogenic bladder, posterior urethral valve, ureterocele (large), Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Menkes syndrome – kinky-hair syndrome, Prune-belly syndrome – Eagle-Barrett syndrome, Williams syndrome – idiopathic hypercalcemia.
Bladder diverticula can be diagnosed with an x-ray test of the bladder. This test is done by filling the bladder with a dye that shows up well in x-rays (called a “contrast”) and pictures are taken accordingly. Health care provider will also look into patient’s bladder with a cystoscope this is a long, thin telescope with a light at the end. This will helps to check if there are any bladder tumors in the diverticulum. A pressure test called “urodynamics” will also be performed to see how good the bladder works and check if there are any blockages. Your health care provider may also use ultrasound, which takes pictures of organs by bouncing sound waves off them, to see how any blocks affected patients kidneys.
Congenital or acquired diverticula won’t always require treatment, mostly if they are not related with urinary infections, bladder stones, or urinary reflux. Treatment will include relief of the obstruction and possible removal of the diverticulum Bladder diverticulum can be treated with both open and laparoscopic to perform the surgery.