The Mitrofanoff procedure is also called as the Mitrofanoff appendicovesicostomy, is a surgical treatment in which the appendix were used to create a conduit in between the urinary bladder and skin surface. In this method, the doctor divide the appendix from the attachment to the cecum, as maintaining its supply of the blood, then creates a opening at the blind end and washes it. One end was connected by the surgical sutures to the urinary bladder, and the other end was connected to the skin to develop a stoma. Usually, a cut or incision was made inside the navel so it will serve as a canal for the catheter. Urine was typically drained many times a day by using this catheter inserted inside the Mitrofanoff canal.

The method can be an option because of the following conditions: Congenital birth malformations such as spina bifida, bladder exstrophy, neurogenic bladder, spinal cord Injuries and bladder epispadias, multiple sclerosis and paraplegia,bladder cancer patients and in some other cases of prostate or bowel cancer.

  • The purpose of this surgery is to develop a channel in between the bladder and the wall of the abdomen because to allow intermittent self-catheterisation like drainage of the bladder.

  • The Mitrofanoff is preferentially prepared from the appendix (or small bowel) which was mobilized on the blood supply or a piece of bowel, this will also achieved by a fallopian tube.

  • One end was tunnelled into the wall of the bladder to develop a valve which acts as a continent mechanism, the other end was passed from an opening in the abdominal wall to form a small stoma from this a catheter can easily pass to empty the bladder 4-6 times per day.

  • The Mitrofanoff is usually located on the right hand side of the lower abdomen, it was just below the underwear.