Urinary tract diversion is performed when the bladder has been removed, which is occasionally required to treat certain cancers. It was essential to divert the urine out from the body because the kidneys will continue to produce the urine even in the absence of the bladder. Urinary tract diversions will take one of the 2 forms. The first was the incontinent urinary diversion which was usually referred as an ileal conduit. This operation utilizes a piece of patient’s intestine to divert the urine by a small hole in the abdominal wall. Patients who are selecting this type of the procedure will be necessary to wear an external appliance or “bag” which has to be emptied in the toilet from time to time.


  • A cut or incision was made on the abdomen from just above the navel to the top of pubic bone to facilitate the doctor to get the bladder.

  • Once the bladder was removed then doctor needs to construct another way for the urine to drain from the body; this was done by forming a stoma. Another name you can hear stomas was being called as urostomy or ileal conduit.

  • To develop an ileal conduit/stoma, a small piece of the bowel (intestine) was generally used. The doctor will cut or incised out a small piece of the bowel. The ureters were then stitched into one end of small piece of bowel which was removed, urine may then drain into it.

  • The other end comes out by a small opening on the abdomen to make the stoma. Urine will then drain from the ureters, by a piece of the bowel and out through the stoma in a special bag fitted surrounding your stoma.

  • The bag was held in a position by a sticky patch which was attached to the bag. The surgery will take about 4 hours. After the surgery, patient will be taken to the recovery room & will stay there for about an hour or more before going back to the ward.

LAPAROSCOPIC RADICAL CYSTECTOMY: Laparoscopic radical cystectomy along with open ileal conduit urinary diversion was a feasible option to traditional open radical cystectomy. Urinary diversion will be done by a small cut or incision essential to extract the surgical from abdomen. With modified procedure, it is also a feasible to decrease the cost. Laparoscopic radical cystectomy & bilateral pelvic lymph node dissection was done by using 5 or 6 ports by a transperitoneal method. An ileal conduit urinary diversion was constructed at the site of the specimen retrieval.