A rectovaginal fistula was a abnormal connection in between the lower portion of the large intestine — rectum & the vagina. Bowel contents may leak through the fistula, allowing stool or gas to pass through the vagina.


A rectovaginal fistula will be result from: Injury which was caused during the childbirth, crohn’s disease or any other inflammatory bowel diseases, cancer caused in the pelvic area or radiation treatment, complication following the surgery in pelvic area. This condition can cause emotional distress & physical discomfort, which may impact on the self-esteem and intimacy.


Depending on the fistula’s location and the size, you will have very minor symptoms or significant problems along with continence & hygiene. Signs & symptoms of a rectovaginal fistula which includes are:

  • Passage of gas frequently, stool or pus from the vagina

  • Foul-smelling from the vaginal discharge

  • Recurrent urinary or vaginal tract infections

  • Pain or Irritation in the vulva, vagina & the area in between the vagina & anus (perineum)

  • Pain during the sexual intercourse


Your doctor may perform a physical exam because to try to locate the rectovaginal fistula & check for a probable infection, tumor mass or abscess. The doctor’s may examine which includes inspecting of vagina, anus & the area in between them with a gloved hand. Some more tests were there to assess a rectovaginal fistula: contrast tests, MRI, blue dye tests, anorectal ultrasound, CT scan, anorectal manometry, your doctor may takes a small samples of tissue (biopsy) for the lab analysis, which may helps to confirm Crohn’s disease.

If the fistula was very low in the vagina & readily visible, your doctor will use a speculum to view inside of your vagina. An instrument which was similar to a speculum, called as proctoscope, will be inserted into your anus & rectum to check for the problems.